5 Reasons Why Your Dog Should Be Your Exercise Partner

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Sometimes, finding the right partner to fit an active lifestyle is hard. On one end, there are terrible and unreliable partners who barely show up physically or mentally. On the other hand, extreme partners are hard to keep up with, which might discourage training. Even the best and most dedicated partners can fall off, lose interest, or get distracted. What traits do you desire in the perfect exercise partner? Most of us want a companion that is reliable and accountable yet flexible. If you have not already considered your dog, here are five reasons to consider him for your exercise partner!

Dogs Have Activity Needs That Are Similar to Ours

We require at least 30 minutes of moderate daily exercise for general health. Based on the dog's breed, size, and age, they probably need at least 30 minutes of daily exercise, too. The beauty of this parallel is that you can do it together! If weight training is your thing, it might not be the ideal solution for puppies and young dogs, but options are available. You can start with resistance training methods that use gravity, like jumping, running up inclines, and even tug toys. Likewise, taking him for a good old-fashioned walk/jog/run still counts as exercise! If you love the great outdoors, hiking, and swimming are popular activities. Most dogs are game for a good hike, but not all dogs swim well. Find which activities work best for you and your partner, and use them to get in great shape!

Dogs Get the Same Health Benefits from Exercise That We Do

An hour of moderate activity daily helps us develop and maintain a relatively fit appearance, and activity helps our dogs, too. Like us, they have different genetics and respond to physical stimuli in various ways. Generally, exercising with your dog will ensure lean muscle growth, increase bone density, and support cardiovascular health. Exercise also helps release pent-up energy so she can rest better, too. Mentally, she needs fitness to keep her mind sharp and engaged. She will be motivated by the sights, sounds, and smells surrounding her as she takes in the fresh air. You can identify with that. Cabin fever can cause irritability, restlessness, boredom, and the blues in us, too! Exercising gives us and our pets a way to experience the world from beyond four walls, and it helps curb those behavioral problems.

Dogs Help Keep Us Accountable

Accountability is one of the top reasons why we need training partners. Sometimes the voice in our head tells us it is easier to go back to sleep or skip a session. A good partner says, "Let's go!" and helps you stay focused. Give your dog a few sessions and be consistent about the time. See how quickly he recognizes what time it is. His internal clock is on point, and he can sense when it is playtime. He also recognizes cues that mean you are ready to go out and have fun. If you think you'll skip your daily session, think again! Dogs have a way of adapting to your schedule, so you might notice that their energy increases when you are most active. Make fitness a part of your schedule, and you'll both enjoy the benefit of making it a constant in your lives.

Exercise Helps Us to Both Be Social 

As creatures of habit, we tend to frequent the same places and use the same routes for exercise. Along the way, you might come across people and other dogs, so the exposure is great! People meet others during dog walks and runs, so exercise is a great way to stay connected. Somehow, having a dog encourages small talk and the inevitable, "She is beautiful! May I pet her?" She can break the ice for you, and the introductions may help her be unafraid when meeting new people. They can also learn obedience and focus, even when in the presence of a frantic dog. You know, the dog that regularly barks through the window, across the street, or behind the gate! Socialization can help curb aggressive or defensive behavior and replace it with friendly interaction for pets and owners.

Exercising with Our Dogs Helps Strengthen Our Relationship

In our home, playtime and training time are the same, which helps reinforce our roles. We use repetition to be sure our dog, Hercules, recognizes cues and follows commands well. Obedience drills will always have a purpose. Luckily, he responds to treats and affection, so he is easy to reward. We have been steady with training, so he looks to us for direction. During walks and jogs, pit stops in shaded areas are places to test skills. When performing drills, Hercules must understand when to stop and wait for permission to play. I find comfort in having his attention. I like to think that he finds comfort when we provide direction. We establish boundaries and reinforce behaviors, which he still thinks it's a game. We all win!

Your human workout partner was never this reliable! Seriously. Could you wake him up and say, "Let's go!" without getting a thorough tongue-lashing? Remember how he always finds something to complain about nonstop for the whole jog? When have you ever had a partner adjust to your pace without making a fuss? In your pup, you have an excited and willing workout friend. Share the moment and fulfill both of your exercise needs together. Be sure to return the favor by being excited and patient when it's time for him to take a potty break mid-run!

Do you train with your dog? What do you like to do? Has it hurt or helped you make progress? Be sure to leave a comment below and share!